Profile Pic - Travelling Matti

Hi. Hola. Terve.Yassou.

Want ideas for travel? Cheap guides to ensure the best cruise stop? Some pretty pictures?

You’ve come to the right place.

Where Will You Go? (Part 1)

Where Will You Go? (Part 1)

So lately it seems there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Numerous vaccines are rolling out, and many are starting to think life might return to “normal”, whatever that means. I’m no medical expert, and have no comment on whether or not anyone should get vaccinated. But, if this means recreational travel can resume - then many will be thrilled.

If things go back to normal, and travel can be fun again, where will you go? Somewhere you have been before? Somewhere new? I suspect the first round of travel for many will be family related - there are a lot of grandparents missing their grandchildren terribly. Others live in cold climates and will want to go somewhere as hot as possible.

The travel industry has taken a beating this year. Many industries have - you have to feel for restaurant owners. But travel is another level entirely. Airlines are struggling to get by. Cruise lines are in a cycle of delay, hoping they can survive and resume sailing the seas. Hotels are fawning all over the few guests they host, grateful for the support.

Where Will I Go?

This post was spurred by Google Photos. From time to time my phone shows me where I was 1, 2, or 3 years ago. These pics come up, and I start browsing. Before I know it I am reliving past vacations. Some destinations just call to me - Athens, St. Lucia, and Naples all come to mind. Of course, I am currently in Cancun, so the traditional beach vacation isn’t what I am thinking of.

Possibly the most beautiful lunch spot ever.

Possibly the most beautiful lunch spot ever.

What about you? Do you have any spots in mind? Will you find a beach resort and just unwind? Or pick the most port-packed cruise you can find and explore like a madman? Post in the comments. In the next few articles I will show some of the ideas I have.

Cancun - Top Travel Destination for Americans

Cancun - Top Travel Destination for Americans

Travelling during a pandemic, part 4. Insurance

Travelling during a pandemic, part 4. Insurance